Varsity Brands White Paper - page 15

School spirit is a powerful reflection of pride, achievement and
determination. It goes hand in hand with positivity and is a benchmark
of a school’s holistic success. As one principal summarized, school spirit
equates to a “sense of community with students, parents, teachers
and administrators working together with a common purpose and with
activities for all segments of the school population.”
Indeed, school spirit is greater than the sum of its parts, and it’s important
for all stakeholders to leverage its capabilities. The following are common
practices that can create, engage and retain school spirit with staff and
student bodies alike:
Promote the positive.
Assemblies and school dress-out days can be
used throughout the year, not just on homecoming or field days. These
can be used to promote non sporting related activities as well. These
impromptu gatherings can energize students and staff alike.
Reward readily.
Whether it’s recognizing the swim team captain for
making the honor roll, celebrating choir or band performances or
offering a note thanking a student for their input, creative ways to
bestow small gestures of appreciation for personal and team
achievement can bolster school spirit across the student body.
Encourage parental involvement.
Actively involved parents raise more
involved students. Look for more ways for parents to get easily plugged
in to school activities to encourage family participation.
Community engagement.
Students that are more engaged and
connected to their communities can be ambassadors for the school
and take their pride off-campus. Encourage students to become
involved in community organizations and spread their school pride.
School spirit and pride go hand in hand.
Students responded with a
consistent voice that spirit means having pride in their school. Place
an emphasis on school achievements, history and lore to further drive
a sense of pride in the institution.
Spirit sets the stage for success.
Research indicates that students
with self-reported higher levels of school spirit have greater aspirations
for success. Creating a culture of spirit in the school can help students
achieve later in life.
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