Varsity Brands White Paper - page 7

Continuing Education
It’s been reported that students with college degrees earn about a million
dollars more over their lifetimes than those without secondary education.
Not only do high-spirited students perform better academically, but they
are also more likely than students with low school spirit to
expect that they
will receive a four-year degree or more
(84% vs. 51%).
A principal agreed that school spirit has a domino effect on secondary
education and future goals:
B e t t e r S p i r i t , B e t t e r S t ewa rd s c o n t .
“The more school spirit a
student has, the more likely the
students are to stay on campus
after school for tutoring, the
higher their attendance is,
and there is a feeling that they
want the best for the
and therefore
their best on state
- male principal verbatim
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